10 More Pounds!

noom 210

Saturday, April 27th was my weekly weigh in day and I weighed in at 210.4 which brings my weight loss to 52.6lbs.  This has been a very rough week because I couldn’t shake the feeling that I would end up weighing in at the same weight as I did last week, as if I had already hit a plateau.  I weigh in every morning just to see my weight and practically every morning I weighed in at 212.

Some people might say that by weighing in everyday, I am putting stress on myself, and stress releases a chemical in the brain called cortisol which will halt the weight loss process.  I know I probably shouldn’t  but it’s a natural curiosity to want to weigh yourself constantly when you are trying to lose weight.  When you see that you have lost weight, I think, I’m not sure, but I think it releases endorphins in the brain and it makes you feel good.  (Correct me if I’m wrong in the comments)

I have been consistent since January and I knew that by bragging about how consistent I have been, I’d probably sabotage myself.  Perhaps the stress of thinking (and over-thinking) that I was going to sabotage myself, might have actually sabotaged me.  However I didn’t actually sabotage myself so that makes me feel good.

I have to get my mind off of over thinking this whole weight loss so that I can actually lose weight, so I’ve devised a plan to distract myself by making lanyard keychains with the Noom green color along with another color.  I know, stupid, but effective because I get so focused on the keychains that I’m not even thinking about anything else, despite the fact that I am talking about what I’m supposed to be distracting myself about lol.

Well, until my next weigh in…