Fallout Shelter


I have been addicted to Fallout Shelter lately. I played it several years ago on my Android cell phone, but I couldn’t keep my vault dwellers alive, and I was frustrated by the amount of caps it was costing me every time I had to bring them back to life, so I literally saved my game to the cloud and uninstalled the game from my phone. I figured when I felt like I could play the game better, then I would come back.

Recently I discovered they brought Fallout Shelter to the PlayStation 4 and I decided I would try the game out again on the bigger screen where I was playing with a game controller and not my fingers. The first couple of days I was doing pretty good, but then just like on the mobile version I started having a bit of a problem with not enough water and power being generated and my dwellers started dying from the radiation, I guess from lack of water. I don’t know how they got radiation, but OK. But, I just kept playing and suddenly they stopped dying and I was actually doing better than I did on the mobile version.

I’ve gotten a lot better at the game and I watched some videos here and there telling you how you should do your layout for your vault, and they showed me some things I didn’t know about the game, and so I went from there. Here is a screenshot of just the top of my vault.

Fallout Shelter Top Floors Layout

I decided to place 4 power plant rooms side by side on 2 floors, and then on the right side of both floors are the strength centers where the dwellers train their strength for working in the power plants. Below the power plant rooms are the water treatment rooms with the weapons center rooms which train their perception for working in the water treatment rooms.

Do you see a trend? See, the vault dwellers have SPECIAL which stand for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck. So on the right side I have 2 training rooms for each of those SPECIAL’s and on the left side of the training rooms are the actual rooms that use those abilities. Here, you can see the map I created in Open Office for building my vault. The little rooms with the numbers are elevators. I numbered the ones on the left so I would know how many floors I used. I’ve actually just made an 18th floor for my PS4 vault because I needed more storage.


There is a good reason I put in the elevators between the rooms. If you put rooms close together, and later you decide you need to get rid of one, and it has a room beside it, the game won’t let you remove the room because there are 2 rooms touching. You can get rid of the room on the end, but that might be the room you want to keep, and you’ll have to get rid of that room too just to get rid of the room you wanted to get rid of to begin with. You can remove a room if it is between 2 elevators.

Anyway, use it, or don’t, it’s entirely up to you. It is your vault after all. I just thought I would share how I created mine.

Pathfinder Game Arrives

pathfinder box.jpgCall me a happy nerd, because my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Boxcame in the mail today.

pathfinder soloI’m really excited to learn this game, but what makes me really happy is this. It says:

“If you are on your own, but still want to experience an adventure before reading the rules of the game, grab the Hero’s Handbook and turn to page 2. Inside, you will find an adventure you can play by yourself that teaches you the basics of the game.”

YES! That’s what I wanted with the D&D Starter Set. I want to be able to learn on my own without having to ask strangers to teach me. I’m not exactly outgoing, I’m the kind of person who likes to do things alone, you know, soloing. When I play video games, I play by myself. I’m not anti-social, I’m just an introvert.

What I want to do is learn the basics of the game so that if and when the day ever comes when I can start a group at the Bakersfield Gay & Lesbian Center, I’ll know exactly what to do. They don’t have a D&D or Pathfinder group that meets there, they told me that if I wanted to start a group, I could, but I’d have to find some people who also want to play the game, otherwise, I’d be there by myself once a week lol. But I figured if I am going to start a group, I should at least know how to play the game. I can’t expect a bunch of people to show up and not one of us has ever played D&D or Pathfinder. If I can’t find anyone who has played, then it is up to me to be the Dungeon Master, so I will not only have to learn the game as a Hero, but I also have to learn to be a Dungeon Master as well.

The instructions in the Hero’s Handbook are easy to understand. It’s like they wrote this book specifically for me to understand. Then again I haven’t really read the entire book yet, so I’ll save my judgement or review for later when I’ve actually read the entire book(s) and have played the Solo Adventure. But from what I’ve read so far, it is like they knew that D&D was hard, so they made it easier for people with a learning disability to understand and remember. At least I hope so.

So let me read and play the solo adventure and I will get back to you. Otherwise, if you want to learn Pathfinder, this is a great place to start. Click the image or the link above and it will take you right to Amazon.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box

I am very excited because I finally bought the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box. I bought the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set: Fantasy Roleplaying Game Starter Set (D&D Boxed Game)in July, but it didn’t have everything that the Pathfinder beginner box has, which is probably why the Pathfinder beginner box was more expensive.

The D&D starter set came with 2 books, 1 book was the player handbook and a quest book that teaches you how to play the game up to level 5. The Pathfinder beginner box comes with a Hero’s Handbook, Game Masters Guide and a transition guide to bring your characters into the Pathfinder world. I assume that means to bring your D&D characters into the Pathfinder world. Both come with dice, D&D has 6, Pathfinder has 7. What sets the Pathfinder Beginner Box apart is the 80 full color pawns of heroes and monsters including a dragon. Pathfinder also includes a huge map to play on that you can also write on with dry erase markers and a blank map on the reverse side to create your own map.

The problem that I had with D&D is that I couldn’t understand what I was supposed to do. I asked for help and people answered my questions, but I do better when I’m in a room with people who are teaching me face to face rather than reading in a book or reading someone’s text. I learn by doing.

I know of a store in Bakersfield called “Otto’s Video Games and More” who have game nights, but I would feel more comfortable with people I can be myself around. You know what I mean? I am sure the random people who go to a video game store are good people and you have to get to know people before you judge them, but I don’t know that they or one or two aren’t homophobic. I’ve had many experiences in my life where I have tried to do things with people who turned on me when they found out I was gay, so I would much rather find a group of people who are gay and gay friendly and join or start a D&D/Pathfinder group at the Gay and Lesbian Center here in Bakersfield. It’s just easier to go where you know 100% that you are accepted and you aren’t judged, well, unless you wear the wrong belt with the wrong shoes of course. Just kidding.

I have already asked someone at the Gay and Lesbian Center and they said that there is not a group like that, so I would have to start one. I think it would be a great way to get people who have the same interests together to play a game for a couple of hours every week. I think it would be fun. Even if people aren’t interested in that kind of game, they could try it and see if they like it. And no one has to bring anything because I have spent a few bucks here and there on D&D and Pathfinder stuff and I can even bring all the character sheets and blank note cards and I already have 2 sets of dice and the Pathfinder Beginner Box will have a 3rd set. I also have a bag full of fake gold and silver coins, and a box of pencils and a bunch of erasers. I’m all set lol.

Now it’s just a waiting game and I hope to find people who are interested in starting a D&D/Pathfinder game night. I think it will be fun.

D&D Starter Set

20150724_113040_3rd StIt has taken a couple of weeks, but I have nearly everything I need to play a game of D&D with my Wilderness tiles that my partner bought for me at Barnes & Noble. When he first bought me the Wilderness tiles, I thought that it was a starter set because it said on the back

“For use with these Dungeons & Dragons products:

Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game Starter Set

Dungeon Master’s Kit

Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures

Other Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Tiles sets.”

I guess I just misunderstood because I thought it came with all those things, I guess I just wasn’t thinking. Oh well. At any rate, I have bought a few things on that list. I went to Amazon and bought the Starter set which came with the starter set rulebook you see in the picture along with the blue dice and another book called Lost Mine of Phandelver, which is a walkthrough quest with maps that I can scan and add to an app on my Nook called 3D Virtual Tabletop. It’s just easier to do that since the maps aren’t very big to play on in the booklet. The starter set also came with some character sheets which I actually printed last year and put in my notebook. Yes, I have a notebook with line and graph paper that I printed since my printer offers that option.


20150714_16044120150714_160912_3rd St20150720_171424_3rd St

The miniatures that I bought aren’t all miniature, even though they say they are on Amazon and even on the packaging. Some of the green and grey ones are heroes and some are monsters, and oddly enough some are cavemen lol. The skeletons are a bit smaller and I’ll probably get more use out of those. I also bought from Michaels a set called “Knights and Dragons.” It comes with 4 knights with a red and gold flag and shields and 4 knights with a blue and gold flag and shields. They are all wearing silver armor and 1 of each has a guy sitting on a horse. Oh and it comes with a catapult and a little dragon lol.

20150724_115301I also bought a D&D Lego guy. I thought I was getting a set of 12, because that’s what the picture showed, but I guess I was wrong because I only got 1. He’s called a fighter and has a sword. I think what I’ll do is say he’s my main tank and the guys in the silver armor are the other characters. I also have a Lego Minecraft Steve and zombie as well as a Lego Robin from Batman and Robin. That one is a keychain, so of course I’ll have to remove that.

The wizard that I bought on Amazon isn’t exactly what I was looking for, but he does fit and he does look cool, so I guess I did good. I was looking for a gnome wizard, actually I was looking for anything in gnome size, but all I saw were miniature garden gnomes. That’s not exactly what I had in mind. This guy is actually a hell wizard named Damien lol. He even has a demon tail. He’s all white because he is meant to be painted. Yeah, that’s never going to happen. I don’t exactly have steady hands. His eyes will be way off if I tried. He’ll look either cross-eyed, or one eye will be looking up and the other will be looking to the left. Either way, I’m fine with him being all white. It would be cool if his coat and staff were brown and his base was green. I wish I had more patience and a steady hand.

I’m not quite ready to play yet because I still have to finish the starter set rule book and then I want to start reading the Lost Mine of Phandelver book and play according to the directions. I also want to read the Players Handbook because the Starter Set rule book didn’t give me ALL the information I think I need to start playing. I like to be thorough. Also, I’m having a hard time getting started, not just as the DM since I’m playing by myself, but also as a person who is playing 5 characters lol.

Screenshot_2015-07-28-21-29-58 1It would be awesome if I had some people to play with. I have an app on my Nook called 3D Virtual Tabletop, and that allows me to use existing characters and existing places (like a tavern or house) or I can upload my own pictures, which I did. I scanned all the maps from the Lost Mine of Phandelver book and imported them into the app. 1 square = 5 feet, so I had to put a 5×5 grid into each square. I asked someone if that is right and they said yes.

I saw on the character sheets that each character has 5 or 10 gold, so I figured it would be easier to keep track of who has how much gold by actually having gold in a little pouch, so I looked online for days for pictures of gold and silver coins to print so I could glue them onto cardboard, but then I thought about play coins, so I Googled plastic gold coins and found them at Party City, so I went and bought a pack of 144 gold coins and a pack of 72 silver coins. I was looking for Gold Doubloons, but they only had gold casino coins with dollar signs on them. The silver coins have pirate ships on them, so those are at least a little more authentic. I was also looking for copper, but they didn’t have any of those. I figure I’ll just sand some of the gold coins to create copper since they are gold painted on black plastic. Maybe I can buy some copper paint.

I hate that it has taken me this long to want to learn to play the game. When I was 15 years old and my step father kicked me out of the house (aka trailer), I moved in with a schoolmate who lived with his older brother who worked. One day they were playing D&D and asked if I wanted to play, but I didn’t know how because I’d never played before, and I didn’t want to play because I already had a target on my back for being gay, I didn’t want the target to get bigger because I was playing D&D, which everyone thought at the time (1985) that it was a satanic game and that players were all in satanic cults and were killing animals for sacrifice for their game. I really wish I had more of a back bone and was able to stand up to the bullies, but that’s all in the past and better late than never.

This is going to be fun learning and playing and I hope I can get a lot out of this game so I can use it to write my fantasy fiction novel. Writing fiction was a dream I’ve had since I was a kid, so I hope this works to get me started with my writing.

Dungeons & Dragons Wilderness Tiles

D&D tiles

I am still waiting for my dice, which is supposed to be here by Monday, my D&D starter set and all my miniatures, which will be here on Wednesday. In the meantime, I thought it would be prudent to start putting together the Wilderness tiles. These are really difficult because there are so many pieces that are pretty busy heh. They are 2 sided and some of them are just plain old grass with rocks and trees on them, but there are also some pretty neat tiles with towers and houses and huts. There are more than a few tiles of fires, which I assume are all trees on fire, but I won’t be using those because they are too busy. Although, I may use one burning bush to add a element of danger. We’ll see.

The thing I love about these tiles is that they are so colorful and thick and hard like a regular board game. The thing I hate about the tiles is that they aren’t interconnecting like a puzzle. The reason is because they slide around the table so much and it’s difficult to keep the pieces together. If I were to start playing with this, I would have to either hold my breath every time I move a miniature, or buy one of those rubber liners you put under rugs to keep them from sliding around on the hardwood floor. I think the latter.

I’m not sure I like layout that I have chosen so far, but when I buy a rubber rug liner, I’ll redo the whole thing so it doesn’t look so busy. I am not quite sure how I will place the pieces though. I tried to Google the Dungeons & Dragons wilderness tile set and I found a bunch of pictures and a few YouTube videos, but they were basically unboxing videos where they said “Oooh I’m opening a box. Oooh look at the tiles.” Okay so they didn’t say ooh, but you know what I mean. The pictures didn’t have any finished boards, so I couldn’t really see how other people put their tile set together. I would love to get some inspiration, so it would be awesome if someone showed me how they put theirs together. Of course I won’t copy theirs, I just want to see how I can improve mine.

There is still a lot of time before I get my packages, but I would like to have this tile thing finished before then so I can dig in to my new adventure so I can get a head start on my book.

Terraria mobile issues resolved


I’m doing a little happy dance right now because I was finally… sorry, that was weak. I was FINALLY able to get Terraria to play on my refurbished Samsung Galaxy S3, and I will tell you how I did it.

The Issue was that when it installed the game, it only installed the obb file in the Android/obb folder. It didn’t install any of the actual game files in the Android/data folder. Every time I tried to load the game, it would give me this message (below). Try as I might I could not figure it out. I didn’t realize the data folder was lacking files. The OBB data file is fine, it installed all 52mb of that, it’s just that it didn’t install the rest of the data.


The Fix. My phone came preinstalled with a file viewer called My Files, but that isn’t enough. I have an app from Cheetah Mobile called File Manager and that did the job. So what I did was I zipped the data files from my Nook and uploaded the zip file to my OneDrive so that I could download it on my phone. I downloaded it and then went into the File Manager and located the zip file in my downloads folder. I copied the zip file and pasted it in the Android/Data folder, but it kept saying 0kb. So it was showing a file name, but it wouldn’t allow actual data to be inserted in that folder. I then figured out (after days mind you) that in the File Manager there is a option in the settings for Root Settings (Advanced Users). Root Explorer and Change System Folders. Check both of those.


Once those two options were checked, I copied the zip file again and it actually unzipped all of the files, but for some odd reason all of the files were 0kb. So then I decided to paste the zip file in the SD Card Android/Data folder and it pasted with all 52mb in tact. I then unzipped it and it actually unzipped. I find that to be amazing because before it wouldn’t unzip onto the SD card. So once I had all the files in the SD card, I went into the folder with the files and I tapped (and held) on one file to select it, then I clicked that little icon at the top with 4 squares and it selected the entire directory, then I clicked copy at the bottom of the screen and went in the Device to the Android/Data/com.and.games505.TerrariaPaid folder and hit paste and all of the files actually pasted with actual file sizes too.

To prove it worked, the Terraria image at the top is the actual screen shot from my phone. I cannot believe I finally got it to work. Now, I’m worried about if/when there is an update in the Google Play store and it installs all the files again, but this time it deletes all the files, or it makes them all 0kb lol. If that happens, I still have it on my Nook, so I’ll just be able to copy it over.

I really hope this has helped someone out there who has been just as frustrated as I have been. If you have a second Android device that it actually works on, you will be fine.

Lost in Minecraft

So here’s the thing. Yesterday I went exploring, and I saw something interesting, so I went to have a closer look. I saw what was beyond that, so I went in for another closer look, and next thing I know I can’t find my way back home. I ran all over Minecraft world for literally 2 hours trying to find home. I live right on the beach, so it’s not hard to find if I stay along the water, but I just could not find it. I built a boat and sailed because I thought it would be faster, but it wasn’t because I was still lost. I was riding in that boat all over the planet for another few hours and I just couldn’t find home. I decided that I would just build a new home, and this is it.

The house I built on the beach was originally made with sand and a dirt roof with a wood fence around the property. Then I decided to build it with wood and I added some windows and I built a stone fence. This new house is all stone with a wood door and windows. I haven’t built a fence around the property yet, but I will. I’m in peaceful mode right now, so there isn’t a danger of being attacked, but as soon as I get comfortable and go back into survival mode, all bets are off.

Here is my view from the inside of the house. I can still see the ocean. I don’t want to be in the middle of nowhere, I like to be on the beach because, well, hello, beach front property! Also, it’s easier to find.

If I ever decide to go exploring and I find my old home, I will just dismantle it for the materials and for all the items I left in the chests, which is a lot since they were both full. I had built 2 large chests, 1 for material like wood and stone and the other for food and other materials like sheep wool and cow hides etc. Thank goodness I’m wearing all the armor I made.

I had a thought last night that perhaps it would be a good idea to build train tracks leading away from my house so that if I ever did decide to explore, all I would have to look for is the train tracks and I would be able to find my home faster. Also, I could make train cars with chests to fill with materials that I foraged while I was on my adventure. That way if I were to be attacked and died, the materials would be safe on the train car.

So back to adventuring!

Minecraft for PlayStation 4


It took me a long time to get on the Minecraft bandwagon because it never really interested me. I knew it was available for the PC, but it reminded me too much of the pixelated games from the beginning of games and I just didn’t want to go back. But when my partner bought me a PlayStation 4 for Christmas this year, then bought me Minecraft, I had to give it a try.

After dying about a trillion times from zombies, spiders and skeletons, oh and the occasional fall off a cliff, I finally figured out how to play without dying. First off, look down when going down a mountain lol. Second, when you are first starting out with nothing, dig into the ground or the side of a mountain and hang onto the dirt, because as soon as the sun goes down, you will need to use that dirt to bury yourself so the bad guys can’t kill you. When the sun goes up, dig yourself out and go kill some sheep and chop down some trees. Build a workbench and then build a bed. Once you have the bed, you can literally sleep on it out in the open and you won’t die. As soon as you see the sun going down, hit the bed and go to sleep and wake up and start hunting, digging, chopping and killing lol.

house from a distanceinside my house

This is where I built my house. I built up the walls with sand first, then the more trees I chopped down, I was able to build a fence which I put all the way around the island with a gate. Nothing can jump over the fence, not even me, so that works out great. I put the sand walls up against the fence to ensure nothing bothers me. I also dug really deep on the beach so I had a high ceiling. I also have a + shape on the ceiling/roof so I can see if the sun is up or if it is dark outside. Although, now that I have a bed it doesn’t matter.

I have 2 beds, one in my little sand castle and one in my inventory for those times I stray a little too far from home looking for resources. That way if I cannot sprint home fast enough, I can just place the bed down where I am and go to bed and wake up with a whole new day, which is what, 10 minutes? LOL!

Anyway, I’m still a beginner, or as some may say a HUGE NOOB! All I can say is this is very addicting and I look forward to the giant castle I will eventually build.

I bought 1 pack, it’s the holiday pack which allows me to change my look so I can look either like Santa, a snowman, an elf or whatever. Right now I’m a snowman lol. It’s fun, but it really doesn’t do anything for me. I will eventually buy some other packs that will change the look of some things in the game, assuming that that is what they do. I don’t know, I just know that I am having a really fun time with this game.

New PSP Games

Castlevania EyePet Jak & Daxter Secret Agent Clank

I’ve been having fun riding the bicycle in the patio with my new bicycle trainer. I’ve been listening to music with my Dell DJ, but it gets boring just sitting there in the same room looking at the same thing, which is a door and a bunch of junk lol. If the patio were cleaned up and there were furniture to look at then it might be more pleasant, but I’m sure I’d get bored of looking at that too.

Yesterday when I was riding on the bicycle, I decided I would bring out my PSP and play a new game that I recently bought at a pawn shop that was closing. I rode the bicycle for 36 minutes while playing and it seemed like time flew by. I would have kept going past 36 minutes if it weren’t for the fact that my butt became numb because of the way I was sitting. I have an Ergo bicycle seat, so I really should be holding on to the handlebars to stay upright. Playing with the PSP kind of moved me in an awkward position, so my butt became numb lol. I’m going to buy a new seat next time I go to Target. They have the beach cruiser seats which is probably more comfortable anyway.

I have a page on my website for all of my PSP games. These 4 games in particular are EyePet, which I bought specifically because I wanted the camera lol. I know it’s stupid because I have a good camera on my cell phone, and I have a good video camera that takes pictures, so why would I need a camera on my PSP? Well, considering it’s only $13 and it comes with a game, I thought it was worth the price, and I want to buy all of the accessories and games that I can before they stop selling them.

I bought Secret Agent Clank because I love the Ratchet and Clank games. I have one of them and I loved it, but I haven’t played it in such a long time that I have no idea what I’m doing. I bought Jak and Daxter because I love the Daxter game that came with my PSP. I have always wanted to play this one. Castlevania is a game I’ve wanted to play for a long time. It’s not the same as the other cool PSP games like the Daxter and Clank games, it’s like a side-scroller you would see with Nintendo and Sega games. I actually love side-scroller games.


This is a PSP Real View V-Screen Depth Enhancer. It acts as a case for your PSP, and when you open it, you can pull down a magnifying glass that makes your game bigger, and it is supposed to add 3D to your 2D game. I watched a YouTube video to see how it works, but the reviews weren’t so great. I bought it anyway because like I said about the camera, I want to buy all the accessories and games that I can before they stop selling them. I want to experience everything I can before I can’t anymore.

I had something similar to this for my Game Boy, but it wasn’t a case, it just slid over the top of the game boy and you could see a bigger screen, it also had a light. It didn’t turn my 2D game into a 3D game, but from what the video reviews said on YouTube, neither does this lol. I really don’t care too much about that. It was only $5.29 with free shipping. You can’t beat that.

I have more games in my PSP Games Wishlist on Amazon. Of course, Sony Online Entertainment stopped making new games for the PSP because they are focusing more on the PS Vita which has a smaller game stick rather than a UMD Universal Media Disc. So much for it being universal. They also have downloadable games in the Playstation Store that I can buy, but unfortunately my new WiFi Cable Modem uses a specific security that my PSP cannot connect to, so that has totally screwed up my ability to ever connect to my WiFi again. No more browsing the PlayStation store for games and no more browsing websites, not that I needed to, and no more using Skype.

These games and the Real View V-Screen Depth Enhancer will arrive either this Friday or Saturday, or in the middle of next week. I really look forward to the Jak and Daxter game. I have so many games now, but I haven’t finished all of them because I get bored with them. Maybe I will put it on my bucket list to actually finish a game that I started to get some kind of closure on each game. That would be nice lol.

The Sims FreePlay January 22 Update

The Sims FreePlay

The Sims FreePlay has finally given us an update and not everyone is happy about it. Well, I should say they aren’t happy because EA still has not addressed some of the issues that some of us are having with the game.

There are really only two issues that I am having, like not being able to log in to Facebook in the game which would allow me to access the party boat to claim daily prizes based on how many Facebook friends I have who also play the game. It also allows me to visit those friend’s neighborhoods and interact with their Sims characters. They have tasks that you have to perform to earn a special currency called SP’s to spend on specific items in the store. If I cannot earn that currency then I will not be able to buy those items.

The other issue that I am having is that I cannot play the game on my new Nook HD+ that I got for Christmas. I have been playing this game on my Android phone since last year and I’m perfectly okay with playing it on there because that is mainly the only reason I even use my phone anymore. Ever since I got my Nook, I’ve uninstalled most of the apps that I used to use on a daily basis because they were causing The Sims FreePlay to constantly crash. Since I can use those apps on my new Nook, I don’t need them on my phone anymore.

Some people are reporting problems that they are having that I don’t seem to be having. They are also really irate that EA has not addressed their complaints.  Here are just 2 comments. I blurred out their names for their own protection.  The first one is negative, the 2nd one, well, if you can understand what that person is saying then you decide lol.  That person is having issues that I am not having.

sims freeplay comments

You know, I am just as miffed as the next person, but let us all have a little perspective here. This is a free game. You don’t pay for it, you get to play it for as long as you want for free. There are premium items you can buy with real life money, but you don’t have to buy them if you don’t want to. Be lucky they are giving us all of these updates because their other game The Sims 3 which is also available for your Android device will cost you $6.99 and from what I have read in the comments there, that game doesn’t have nearly as many cool features and items as the FreePlay game has.

Also, you should be so lucky to have your Android phone or tablet because there are many people in this world who don’t have such luxuries. There are children who are being abused by their parents, some even murdered. There are entire families who are starving and sleeping in the streets because they aren’t as lucky as you. There are people in this world who are being molested, raped and murdered.

There are teenagers who are kicked out of the house and end up living on the streets for years simply because they came out of the closet to their parents. There are gay kids being targeted, beat up, some even raped and then murdered in Russia because Vladimir Putin gave them the okay by making being gay illegal. There are gay people living in Uganda who are being murdered or raped, or both. And finally, there are people being stoned to death in the Arab countries for the same reason, because they are gay. So chill out, it’s just a silly little game. Count your lucky stars that you even have the money to play the game on your expensive little toy.

I am just as miffed at EA because the Facebook issue started when they put out the Halloween update and I have waited all this time and was let down yesterday when I couldn’t log in with the new update. I understand how frustrating it is. I was also let down when I couldn’t play it on my Nook, but even if I could play it on my Nook, if I can’t log in to Facebook to upload my progress, then how will I be able to continue from where I left off on my phone when I try to play it on my Nook?

Someone told me to just buy a Kindle. Um… I have a Nook. I can’t just go out and say “hey take my Nook and give me a Kindle.” It doesn’t work that way. My Nook is a Nook HD+ with 32 GB which only cost $150. The Kindle Fire equivalent is $444 (see below). So yeah, I will not be buying a new Kindle just so I can play The Sims FreePlay. Even if I did, I still have the Facebook issue. If I can’t back up my game, then what point is getting a Kindle Fire to play it on?

kindle fire hdx

One person even said to just go out and buy the cheap Kindle Fire. Again, even at the low price of $139, I still have the Facebook issue to deal with. Besides, why do these people think I have money lying around that I can just go out and buy all these new things? I just cancelled HBO and Showtime because I needed that extra $30 a month. How am I supposed to go out and buy a second tablet that I will only use to play The Sims with? I put $20 into savings and had to take it back out just to buy groceries. Come on, think it through people.

At any rate, I will continue to wait and hope that EA will fix these issues and I will continue not complaining because there is more to life than just a silly little game. I will continue playing it on my phone and be happy that I even have that luxury. How happy you ask? This happy…

sims freeplay shirt