Judge Removes Stay on Prop 8 Ruling

Below are the facts from Towleroad.com. From what I heard on Fox News, gay couples can get married on August 18th but… and it’s a big but(t), that gives the Prop 8 team a week to stop it from happening. They will stop at nothing to “protect” marriage from gay people.

Ok look, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times more. Gay people getting married does not hurt straight people’s marriages. If anything it helps the economy because gay people are going to be spending big bucks on their weddings, probably more than straight people would spend.

Now I know that the argument for Prop 8 is not a financial argument but more a moral argument that being gay is immoral according to the bible which was NOT written by a “higher power” but by a bunch of bigots about 2000 years or so ago.

There seems to be a lot of things in the bible that people choose to ignore like that eating shellfish is an abomination (obama-nation?) LEV 10:10, slavery is a good thing especially when you are selling your own DAUGHTER Exodus 21:7, if you wear glasses you cannot get in to heaven LEV 21:23, that is something that everyone seems to forget and so many more.

My personal favorite is the one that says if you work on the sabbath you must be put to death. Oh yes it’s in there. Exodus 35:2. Check it out.

Now, please do me a favor, if you are going to ignore all these other things, please ignore all the gay BS in the bible. Thank you.

Amplify’d from www.towleroad.com

Judge Removes Stay on Prop 8 Ruling; Gay Couples Can Marry Aug 18

UPDATE: WE now have official documents. The stay is in place until August 18, at which time couples can marry as far as I can see.

is reporting that Judge Walker has lifted the stay on his ruling striking down Proposition 8, meaning couples are free to marry in California.

AWAITING official documents…

Also no word on the status of any appeal…

Said Evan Wolfson of Freedom to Marry in a statement:

“California is now the sixth state where same-sex couples share in the freedom to marry. As the Governor, the Attorney General, and Judge Walker have all concluded, there is no good reason to continue excluding same-sex couples from marriage. Same-sex couples across California can once again share in the respect and personal significance of marriage, as well as the critical safety net of protections and responsibilities that marriage will bring to their families. We are witnessing a growing consensus in America that loving and committed same-sex couples deserve the same respect and the same rights as everyone else. Americans on all sides of the aisle, from Laura Bush to Bill Clinton, have embraced the reality that the freedom to marry helps families, while hurting no one. As same-sex couples in California today celebrate their love,commitment, and equal protection under the law, a majority of Californians and a majority of Americans support their right to marry.”

Read more at http://www.towleroad.com

See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/8mdv

Strange Activity With My Blog

You might have noticed there were 3 new posts with the title “Mel Gibson’s Father, As Crazy As Mel” today. That was unintentional. I was using the Amplify website to copy images and text as quotes for a post about the Prop 8 update (watch for in a few minutes) but it would automatically take my first Amplify post (About Mel) along with the Prop 8 info from Towlroad.com and post it without my permission.

The problem is a Google Chrome plugin that I have been using for a long time called Last Pass which allows my browser to automatically log in to websites with my stored passwords. For some odd reason it thought the subject line was a password and it automatically submitted my post thinking it was signing into a website.

That has never happened before and in order for me to actually continue with this blog post I had to disable that plugin.

I will try to keep that in mind next time I use Amplify to write posts.

Twitter Karma

Awhile ago I talked about using Twiends for following and getting followers on . When you follow people you get credits depending on how many credits people are offering. The credits you receive end up being given to other people for following you. It’s a pretty neat process for raising your Twitter followers.

However, not all of those people you followed are going to reciprocate. That’s bad karma. I follow everyone who follows me and when I see that someone didn’t reciprocate it frustrates me. There wasn’t much I could do about it because I didn’t know who I was following that wasn’t followingme back.

Until now. I found a website with a service called Your Twitter Karma that will help you find out who is following you and who you are following. You click the twitter button to sign in with your twitter account, it asks you to deny or allow them to connect to your twitter then when you click allow it signs you in. You click Whack and it loads every person you follow and your followers.

The first thing you see is a summary.

See the 2 on the left are people who I follow but as you can see they never followed me back. The 2 on the right I follow and they follow me. This website cannot bulk unfollow because that violates Twitters . So, that means you have to look at every person one at a time. You can click their name and their twitter page loads in a new tab so you can see whether or not you wanted to continue to follow them.

In my situation I didn’t want a bulk unfollow because I want to keep following celebrities who are never going to follow me.

Unfollowing those who don’t follow you levels the playing field though because if I am following 1461 people, I want 1461 people following me too. With the exception of the celebrities of course but you get the picture. Although the amount of people following me is well below that 1400 number so the number of who I am following is going to drop dramatically soon but over time I’m sure that will go up again with Twiends.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this new bit of information that I have found.

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Hemp Rings Annoying

I’ve been wearing 3 hemp rings for the last week and I’ve noticed that every day they get stretched out so much because I’m constantly playing with the bead in them. I don’t know why I do it, I have to fidget with them all the time.

They are getting so stretched that they fall right off my fingers. At first I thought that I would have to make new ones every week but then I held my hands under the water and to my surprise they tightened up and they all feel the same way they were when I first made them. Tight and hard.

I don’t mind them when they are soft and flimsy as long as they stay on my fingers.

So it’s good to know that if they start to feel too big for my finger that I can just run my hands under the water and they will go right back to being tight again.